Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I think this may be a good poster for the nursery corner.

It's a Girl.

I checked out a book from the library called It's a Girl: Women writers on raising daughters. I thought it might help me connect more with the little girl inside me.

I'll be the first to admit that I definitely was hoping for a boy. Raising a little girl scares me to death. It's not that I don't think I can do it or have the required skills. Of course I do. I couldn't quite put my fingers on it until I read this.

"The mother of a girl must plumb the depths of the girlhood she'd thought she had safely escaped - but this time through the eyes of her daughter, whose experience is necessarily different. The pain and joy of this reliving, the merging of mother and daughter experience, and the bittersweet, inevitable seperation between the two, is at the core of mothering a girl."


That is exactly why I was and am worried...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happiness Is...

The doctor has confirmed it; she is a healthy baby girl. Best news EVER!

She continues to be a wonderful bundle of joy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yay! Ergo Chair!

I just got to order a new ergonomic chair for my desk at work. AWESOME.

I just had to mention I was pregnant and uncomfortable and my new chair is on its way. SWEET.

Which is great because the longer I sit in this chair, the stiffer my entire body gets. I think its time to bring in a heating pad for my desk. HERRA.

A snug and cozy environment for your baby

I had a rough night last night, so I woke up PISSED that it was Monday morning and I had to go back to work.

But I should look on the bright side of things...

Ray and I nested like WHOA this past weekend. The 3M room looks fantastic! The crib is assembled, but still needs some paint touch ups (we may have gotten ahead of ourselves and put it together before the details were completely dry...OOPS).

Ray has a fabulous office corner. I have a fabulous sewing corner. And Marti is going to have a fabulous nursery corner. Talk about an awesome room full of creativity and love and fabulousness.

This afternoon we have our monthly doctor's appointment. I get to leave work early! Everything will be great.

I just added a lime green, of our baby cute is that!

PS...I hope Marti doesn't look as creepy as the baby pictured. What a weirdo!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Its a Girl

You probably have all heard, but Beanie is a girl. Which means Beanie = Marti.

I can't believe I'm having a girl. So far I think my best qualifying talent for raising a little girl is that I know how to french braid hair. That should come in handy for whatever extra-curriculars she becomes involved in...cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, soccer, softball, etc...they all need french braided hair. And I have her covered!

I also will be able to make her the most adorable dresses. I can't wait for that!

I guess I'll have to work on more talents...

We started painting her crib. Its pink and orange...wait, its Pixie and Firefly (those are the paint names). I hope she loves her super bright crib; she will totally be a rock star. I'm really glad Ray convinced me to push past my squaredom and do something crazy. And I'm really thankful that he was willing to compromise a little with me. I think the final product is going to be super to come, most definitely.