Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby Day

Yesterday was a big baby day.

We had another ultrasound to check out Marti's kidneys. They haven't gotten any better but they haven't gotten any worse either. We have a name for the condition now...she has mild pyelectasis. Its kind of weird to find out this little, beautiful baby that seems so safe inside my stomach isn't completely safe from problems. I know there is a very high chance that this will never amount to anything and it will heal itself. And I know that even if it does amount to something, it is fairly easy to take care of with a surgical procedure. But she is my little, beautiful baby.

We also got confirmation that she is still a girl (that one's for you momma). She weighs about 2 1/2 lbs and is in the 67% sizewise. And in order to ensure that the pyelectasis stays mild, we get to go back in a month for another ultrasound.

We also had a doctor's appointment. It turns out I'm pretty low on iron. So much so, that she threaten iron IVs if I don't start working hard on increasing my iron intake. Bring on the red meat and liver! Otherwise, I'm healthy.

And finally, we had our first childbirth class. The instructor is great; she has a really comforting approach. I know we are going to feel really prepared for labor and childbirth when the class is over. At the end of last night's class, we watched a 12 minute video on a couple's birth experience. Neither Ray or I were prepared for that one. I'm very scared.

1 comment:

  1. It's okay to be scared. Just know that you are so strong.
