Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 41

Things I've done this weekend to stay busy...

1. Made handbag.
2. Made handbag.
3. Made Ray a "stocking" for his bass peg. (I may need to re-do this one, folks. Its pretty lame!)

4. Baked a peach, strawberry, and blackberry pie. This is my first pie with a double crust...and it went marvelously!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Still Waiting

...and waiting...and waiting...

Ray is forcing me to write a blog.

The anticipation is driving me crazy. Everyday I wake up feeling like I spent the entire night getting beat up. I am SO ready to have this baby.

Did you hear that Marti? IT'S TIME TO COME OUT!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 33

Guess what!?!

Marti's starting to dimple at her elbows and knees and forming creases around her wrists and neck...right we speak/ my belly. She is going to come out pudgy and cuddly and cute.

I can't wait!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The Truth.

The truth is that I'm kind of getting the hang of this pregnancy thing. I've been feeling pretty great for the last few days...I mean all things considering. My belly is still hugemongous. My back still aches most days of the week. My feet and fingers still swell. I still get exhausted after a full day of work or even just standing in one place for 5 minutes. And my baby still kicks in some really uncomfortable places. But all of those things are starting to feel normal. In fact, I can't remember what my body felt like before all those wonderful pregnancy symptoms started.

I know I may come across as being completely uncomfortable all the time and I really am uncomfortable all the time. But it isn't such a burden these days. It's just the state of things.

Maybe this new found clarity and lightness is a result from the productive weekend Ray and I had. I now feel really ready for this baby. Everything in our home was just starting to feel so cluttered and my list of to-dos was feeling endless. In truth, neither of those feelings were based in reality, since we were able to tackle my to-do list in one relaxed weekend. Oh well. I'm just so glad we got it all done. And I'm thankful for my marvelous husband who was so helpful and giving. Hopefully I can return his amazingness with excessive love and affection.

In other news, I think I've finally figured out the difference between kicking and hickuping. I know, where have I been? But seriously, sometimes it does matter what exactly you are feeling in there, just that the little baby inside is healthy and happy.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A little bit of Nesting

So I'm finally pulling out of my rut. There is nothing like a HUGE, MINDBLOWING hurdle (like Ray losing his job) to really force change. Well, bring it on change...I'm not scared of you!

Anyways, last night I was able to nest a bit. It was great! It was wonderful! It felt fantastic! I lined the inside of Marti's new/old dresser and put all her things in it. I folded her sweet little clothes for the nineteenth time (which is good. I need to keep practicing. My laundry folding expertise has not yet extended to little, itty bitty onesies. How does one really fold those nicely? I will figure it out eventually). I also seperated them into piles by size. We have the 0-3 months pile, the 3-6 months pile, the 6-9 months pile, and then the 9 months and on pile. Her corner looks much better now with everything tucked away. I'm glad to be making progress. There are only two big projects for her nusery corner left: (1) my little dresser project to make it a bit more fun and (2) redistribute the wall hangings now that we have everything figured out. I guess we also need to come up with some sort of diaper thats makes 3.

But on top of that, I was also able to finally put my bedroom wall project into effect. I wanted to create a corkboard wall for Ray to hang his photos and paintings and other musings. I think my final product came out really well. I was hoping that painting the corkboard would add nice contrast, but it didn't turn out quite as I expected. Oh well. I still really enjoy the end result. And I think Ray does too, which was the point.

Probably should get back to work...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Baby Day

Yesterday was a big baby day.

We had another ultrasound to check out Marti's kidneys. They haven't gotten any better but they haven't gotten any worse either. We have a name for the condition now...she has mild pyelectasis. Its kind of weird to find out this little, beautiful baby that seems so safe inside my stomach isn't completely safe from problems. I know there is a very high chance that this will never amount to anything and it will heal itself. And I know that even if it does amount to something, it is fairly easy to take care of with a surgical procedure. But she is my little, beautiful baby.

We also got confirmation that she is still a girl (that one's for you momma). She weighs about 2 1/2 lbs and is in the 67% sizewise. And in order to ensure that the pyelectasis stays mild, we get to go back in a month for another ultrasound.

We also had a doctor's appointment. It turns out I'm pretty low on iron. So much so, that she threaten iron IVs if I don't start working hard on increasing my iron intake. Bring on the red meat and liver! Otherwise, I'm healthy.

And finally, we had our first childbirth class. The instructor is great; she has a really comforting approach. I know we are going to feel really prepared for labor and childbirth when the class is over. At the end of last night's class, we watched a 12 minute video on a couple's birth experience. Neither Ray or I were prepared for that one. I'm very scared.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Heart is Full

Ray, the dogs, and I just got back from a weekend away at the ocean. It was magical and amazing...just what I needed! We spent our time either walking to the beach, walking on the beach, or sitting around our rented cottage loft relaxing and enjoying. I love spending time with my family...they are my everything. So this weekend was PERFECTION!

Cohen was a champ. He is officially in off-leash territory, as long as we do a good job of watching our surroundings for people and dogs, of course. I predict he will sleep for the next week in order to recover from the shear joy he experienced this weekend.

Misha was great too. She just isn't really mature enough be off-leash yet. The times she did, she ran and ran (and wouldn't come back). She is, on the other hand, an excellent digger. Man, does she love it!

Ray took pictures...lots of pictures. He loves it. Sometimes he gets frustrated because it isn't the easiest thing to get the light just right. But he is so talented and amazing. I feel so lucky that I get to watch him grow and develop as a photographer. I'm pretty sure this is his THING.

Anyways...its Monday morning. I was supposed to go to work, but my family had different plans. Ray got sick in the middle of the night and needed my love and support. Misha hurt her tail somehow and needed my affection and snuggles all night long. So I got about a total of 4 quality hours of sleep when the alarm went off...just not going to cut it for the big day ahead when I have Marti inside me taking all my energy! One more day off for me!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Week 27

New skill of the day:
Marti can now both kick and punch me at the same time in two different places. I adore her!

Other new skills:
She now has open nostrils through which she "breathes" and moves her head from side to side as if she is looking at things...super cool.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today I made tie-dye cupcakes. Killer.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Henna and Baby Safety

Last weekend, Ray and I dyed my hair with Henna. What an experience! First off, I LOVE the hair now has this really cool natural looking red/auburn tint to it and is super shiny and silky. But, man, it was quite a process. Basically, Ray frosted my head with this mud-like substance as if I were a cupcake. (Its important to note that I made this mud-like substance way too thick and it was almost disasterous, but Ray saved the day as usual.) Then I got to sit around for 4 hours with my head wrapped in plastic and covered in heavy henna mud. All in all, it was quite and experience. And since I think it looks so great, we're gonna have to do it OVER and OVER and OVER again. I'm definitely a henna hair kind of girl.

In other news, Ray and I attended an Infant Safety and CPR class last night. It was quite a perspective changer. Besides the insanely intense reality check that we will be responsible for a little human being and may need to save her life one day, it was also our first dose of the current "how to safely raise a baby" rules. Did you know that it is currently recommended to have the baby sleep in the same room as the parents for the first 6 months in order to prevent SIDs? We definitely didn't...introduce a change in our original plan.

Can we really do this?


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

26 Weeks

Dear Marti,

My, how you are growing inside me! You are now the size of an eggplant! And you are learning new things every day. Right now you are working on batting your beautiful eyelashes and and developing a healthy immune system. I am feeling you move around all day long, while you dream sweet dreams and flip sweet flips in belly. Your recent attempt to put your foot in my ribs (1) did not go unnoticed and (2) was not very enjoyable for your dear mom. Maybe we could keep your limbs down lower in my belly from now on.

I got my glucola test results back and we are doing great! My blood sugar was just right, which means our pregnancy is still as healthy as we are happy. My iron level is low, which is typical, so I have to start taking iron supplements along with my prenatal vitamins. No big worries!

In other news, I need a vacation, a few quality days spent away from work! Carrying you around all day in my belly and allowing you to use all my important vitamins and minerals is really starting to wear on me. But, have no fear, your dad and I are planning a weekend away next weekend. Hopefully it will be a romantic, relaxing weekend away from our normal life.

I can't wait for your arrival! If you could come out healthy and strong tomorrow, I would love that. But you need to keep plumping up and developing, so I will patiently wait. I love you completely and absolutely.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Is it August yet?

Lately I've been taking a bit of a break from nesting. But I think it is time to get back into it. I really want to finish painting the And now that we have bedding, we really should buy that mattress so we can make the bed and marvel in the adorable-ness.

We also need to redistribute Ray's photos & art work from that corner of the room to the rest of the room. It was so awesome to have them all randomly hung in that corner when his desk was there, but now it just doesn't look as cool.

I also CANNOT WAIT to buy a wall decal to put by her crib. I'm not sure how we will ever decide on just one - there are A LOT of cute options out there. But no matter which one we pick, it is going to be precious.

And then there is finding a home for the treadmill...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Man, it feels good to be rested.

I finally got a good night of sleep last night. Thank goodness! Between not being able to get comfortable, the dogs taking up my entire side of the bed, and Ray's deep sleep snoring, I haven't had a good night of sleep in a week or so.

But last night felt good. Real good.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bye Bye Depression.

I have been having a really rough time for the past few weeks.

I absolutely hate going to work everyday. It just seems like such a waste of time and the LAST place in the world I want to be. I want to be spending my days with my wonderful husband and my loving dogs. I want to be enjoying the sunshine when it is there. I want to be working on little projects like putting together our wedding day scrapbook or baking a pie.

I think it's made worse by the fact that I use up almost all my daily energy during my 8 hours at work. By the time I get home I am exhausted and worn out. I don't have the energy to do something fun with my wonderful husband and loving dogs anymore. I don't have the energy to enjoy the sunshine. And I don't have the energy to work on my little projects.

It is really depressing. It makes me sad.

Anyways. I'm going to try to get past this. I can't seem to avoid going to work; it provides too many life necessities to my family. We need it.

Let the negative energy be gone...

Bring on the positive thoughts and the positive results...

And smile.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I think this may be a good poster for the nursery corner.

It's a Girl.

I checked out a book from the library called It's a Girl: Women writers on raising daughters. I thought it might help me connect more with the little girl inside me.

I'll be the first to admit that I definitely was hoping for a boy. Raising a little girl scares me to death. It's not that I don't think I can do it or have the required skills. Of course I do. I couldn't quite put my fingers on it until I read this.

"The mother of a girl must plumb the depths of the girlhood she'd thought she had safely escaped - but this time through the eyes of her daughter, whose experience is necessarily different. The pain and joy of this reliving, the merging of mother and daughter experience, and the bittersweet, inevitable seperation between the two, is at the core of mothering a girl."


That is exactly why I was and am worried...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happiness Is...

The doctor has confirmed it; she is a healthy baby girl. Best news EVER!

She continues to be a wonderful bundle of joy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yay! Ergo Chair!

I just got to order a new ergonomic chair for my desk at work. AWESOME.

I just had to mention I was pregnant and uncomfortable and my new chair is on its way. SWEET.

Which is great because the longer I sit in this chair, the stiffer my entire body gets. I think its time to bring in a heating pad for my desk. HERRA.

A snug and cozy environment for your baby

I had a rough night last night, so I woke up PISSED that it was Monday morning and I had to go back to work.

But I should look on the bright side of things...

Ray and I nested like WHOA this past weekend. The 3M room looks fantastic! The crib is assembled, but still needs some paint touch ups (we may have gotten ahead of ourselves and put it together before the details were completely dry...OOPS).

Ray has a fabulous office corner. I have a fabulous sewing corner. And Marti is going to have a fabulous nursery corner. Talk about an awesome room full of creativity and love and fabulousness.

This afternoon we have our monthly doctor's appointment. I get to leave work early! Everything will be great.

I just added a lime green, of our baby cute is that!

PS...I hope Marti doesn't look as creepy as the baby pictured. What a weirdo!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Its a Girl

You probably have all heard, but Beanie is a girl. Which means Beanie = Marti.

I can't believe I'm having a girl. So far I think my best qualifying talent for raising a little girl is that I know how to french braid hair. That should come in handy for whatever extra-curriculars she becomes involved in...cheerleading, gymnastics, dance, soccer, softball, etc...they all need french braided hair. And I have her covered!

I also will be able to make her the most adorable dresses. I can't wait for that!

I guess I'll have to work on more talents...

We started painting her crib. Its pink and orange...wait, its Pixie and Firefly (those are the paint names). I hope she loves her super bright crib; she will totally be a rock star. I'm really glad Ray convinced me to push past my squaredom and do something crazy. And I'm really thankful that he was willing to compromise a little with me. I think the final product is going to be super to come, most definitely.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Doctor, New Outlook

Ray and I went to see a new doctor today...hooray! She was so wonderful and everything I hoped my OB would be. After one visit, I feel so much more confident about the current health and future of my pregnancy. It is a WONDERFUL new day indeed!

I am so thankful for my husband that supported and encouraged me to look for a new doctor. I am so thankful for the instructor at our Best Beginnings pregnancy class who provided an EXCELLENT recommendation. And I am so thankful for my new OB and all the staff at the office, who treated me and Ray like people who matter and have valid questions and worries, despite the fact we may have been 20 minutes late.

I'm so excited for the coming months...look out will be here before we know it!

And for a little teaser...the future baby bump brought to you by the crazy tester pillows in the dressing room at Destination Maternity in Bellevue. So much fun! I can't believe I will get that big!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Garbage Island

I spent some time today watching these documentary videos on the garbage island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It seems its a misconception that is actually tons of trash gathered in one area, floating around. Instead, its degraded plastic molecules that change the chemical make up of the ocean water so much so that is kills life. They have found samples that are 1000s of plastic molecules to one plankton. Ocean water that is thousands of miles away from land and people. How gross is that.

So now I've decided to try to stop buy plastic whenever possible. I know that in our culture and our modern world it is IMPOSSIBLE to not use plastic. And I know that I can't fix the problem. But I can sleep at night knowing that I prevented a little and I am in control of my intake and output. That's the best I can do. That's the best any of us can do.

If you want to watch the videos too, go to:

Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 16 Bump-a-roo

I've been feeling pretty silly lately about a lot of things. I keep worrying that I'm not progressing as I should be in the pregnancy...that my baby bump isn't showing yet...that my "morning sickness" hasn't disappeared yet...that I'm still absolutely exhausted after a full 8 hours of work...that I still fit into my regular pants without need to elastic stretch...etc.

Well its time to break the cycle of feeling silly. I figure the best way to start is to share with the world my version of my baby bump. I may not look much different than I looked in early December, yet my body has been through so many changes in these past 2 months. And, damnit, that's just what my belly looks like at week 16.

This one is for you, baby. I love you.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hello, my name is Pregnant.

Yup. There it is I've said it. Hey all and welcome. I'm super pregnant and this is where I get to talk about it.

Insanity has sunk in...we went to Babies 'r Us yesterday. It was ridiculous; its full of all these silly things that we all "need" for our babies.

A while back Ray told me that I was 96.5% endearing; that out of all the characteristics a person is made of, I'm predominately endearing. The other 3.5% of me is made up of all the other characteristics that everyone else has. How sweet. But I think I'm losing my endearing qualities. Misha just told me I'm only 91.7%; thats quite a bit lower. It's true though...I'm a wreck. Those changed 4.8% are probably newly developed shrew.

So now I'm 91.7% endearing, 4.8% shrew, and 3.5% everything else. Lame.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Waiting Game

All this time between doctor's appointments really makes me nervous. The truth is I have no idea how Beanie is doing...all I know is how I am doing...which isn't so hot, better, but still not normal. So I find myself counting down the weeks/days/hours until we get to go back to the doctor to make sure this little creature is doing okay. I so desperately hope it's doing okay.

I started nesting. I'm pretty sure Ray thinks I'm crazy. I know it's early but I don't know how else to express my excitement at the moment. So I'm working on reorganizing and removing stuff/crap/waste-of-space items from our home, aka I'm 5S-ing.

Now if only I could get the dogs to stop decorating the house with decapitated toy stuffing.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Introducing the Beanser...Beantastic...Beanie

It looks like a adorably cute, precious, wonderful, bundle-of-everything-good-in-this-world pinto bean. And I can tell its going to have the best smile of all time.

So I'm really nervous to start this blog. I want it to be cute and endearing and honest and real but I question whether I'm capable of writing such things. It's just that my mom encouraged me to start a journal about becoming a momma. And then I read this other blog (Casa de Kaloi) and...I just have to try...

...if even for a few weeks

...because if I can, the results would be priceless.