Monday, May 10, 2010

My Heart is Full

Ray, the dogs, and I just got back from a weekend away at the ocean. It was magical and amazing...just what I needed! We spent our time either walking to the beach, walking on the beach, or sitting around our rented cottage loft relaxing and enjoying. I love spending time with my family...they are my everything. So this weekend was PERFECTION!

Cohen was a champ. He is officially in off-leash territory, as long as we do a good job of watching our surroundings for people and dogs, of course. I predict he will sleep for the next week in order to recover from the shear joy he experienced this weekend.

Misha was great too. She just isn't really mature enough be off-leash yet. The times she did, she ran and ran (and wouldn't come back). She is, on the other hand, an excellent digger. Man, does she love it!

Ray took pictures...lots of pictures. He loves it. Sometimes he gets frustrated because it isn't the easiest thing to get the light just right. But he is so talented and amazing. I feel so lucky that I get to watch him grow and develop as a photographer. I'm pretty sure this is his THING.

Anyways...its Monday morning. I was supposed to go to work, but my family had different plans. Ray got sick in the middle of the night and needed my love and support. Misha hurt her tail somehow and needed my affection and snuggles all night long. So I got about a total of 4 quality hours of sleep when the alarm went off...just not going to cut it for the big day ahead when I have Marti inside me taking all my energy! One more day off for me!

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